Revitalize Essence

Revitalize Essence is the future of mesotherapy. It has an optimized potential to hydrate the tissues with added cross-link technology to give much longer lasting results, this new serum is set to revolutionize the mesotherapy industry.

Revitalize Hair

The hair loss at an early age creates discomfort and embarrassment for anyone, man or woman.

Revitalize White Skin

Superficial pigmentation can be easily removed but deep

pigmentation ( like deep Melasma, joints pigmentation, etc…)

requires a Meso procedure.

Revitalize Slim

Poor diet, lack of exercise and stress are the main reasons of

fat accumulation. It has become one of the main requests for an

aesthetic treatment.

Revitalize Body

Body and facial flaccidity is a direct consequence of aging and/
or weight variations.
To maintain a firm skin, without wrinkles, we must be very
consistent with a healthy diet and a good hydration habits.

Revitalize Vitamins

Stress, sun over-exposure, wrong diet ages the facial and body appearance. To keep it in good condition or recover it to a shiny and healthy skin, treat it correctly.

Revitalize Booster

In 1986, Grow Factors were discovered by Stanley Cohen and
Rita Levi-Montalcini, which earned the Nobel prize in Medicine.
Not more than 10 years ago, laboratories were able to produce
the grow factors in a standardized way.

Revitalize Pure

Revitalize Pure is the essence – the base of any successful

mesotherapy treatment.